TITLE: Honors Introductory Statistics CREDIT HOURS: 3

CLASS TIME and ROOM: TR 9:45am-12:55pm, Room AD 104 (Lab will be in HC 111)

TEXT: Statistics Flexbook Academy

PROFESSOR: Dr. Warren Wm. McGovern

OFFICE & PHONE: HC 101 & 6-8028

E-mail: ;

OFFICE HOURS: TBD and by appt.

CALCULATORS: You must have a calculator that supports two variable (regression) statistical calculations. We strongly recommend any of the TI-84 models or similar. However, the TI-83 is fine but you will need to memorize more syntax.
(Certain calculators are not allowed. Check with me if you are not sure.)

REQUIRED FOR CLASS: You must have a standard deck of cards and a pair of 6-sided dice.


PREREQUISITES: MAC 1105, MGF 1106, or MAC 2233 or ALEKS- Total Score 30.

SATISFIES: Gordon Rule-mathematics, computational.

CONTENT: An introductory course covering descriptive statistics, probability, binomial and normal distributions, sampling distributions and hypothesis tests, and sampling procedures. Laboratory required. This is a General Education course.
GOALS: By the end of this course, you are expected to:
• think critically about data;
• explore, organize, and describe data using graphs and numerical summaries;
• produce data that answer reasonable questions;
• understand the importance and significance of randomization and variability;
• select and apply standard statistical inference procedures;
• draw conclusions from statistical analyses;
• make informed decisions about the validity and accuracy of statistical statements encountered in newspapers, magazines and on television;
• improve your logical thinking and problem-solving skills;
• work effectively in heterogeneous teams;
• communicate effectively and precisely complex ideas (especially, in writing);
• use technological tools such as graphing calculators and specialized computer software;
• engage in life-long learning.

CLASS STRUCTURE: The class will be mostly run in a lecture style format though the instructor encourages discussions and questions concerning the material. Some days will be used for collaborative efforts. A detailed list of homework problems and assignments will be kept on Blackboard or my webpage. Though the homework will only occassionally be collected and graded, the student is expected to do all the problems as this will aid in the student's understanding of the material. The student is encouraged to ask questions during class. Please come to office hours if you have additional questions about the homework.

The instructor has reserved the computer lab HC 111 durng the following times:
June 29 11:30am-12:55pm
July 11th 11:30am-12:55pm
July 18th 11:30am-12:55pm
July 25th 11:30am-12:55pm
August 1st 11:30am-12:55pm
August 3rd 11:30am-12:55pm
The exams will be taken in the computer lab.

ATTENDANCE POLICY: Regular attendance is expected. The student should be aware that missing one day of class is equivalent to missing a week's worth of class relative to a fall/spring semester. If a student misses a class meeting it is his/her responsibility to obtain the class notes either from another student or from the instructor during regularly scheduled office hours. However, the latter usually means the student will be given the sections that were covered. If a student has 3 unexcused absences, the instructor has the right to drop the student's course grade by one letter grade. If a student misses 5 classes, the instructor has the right to drop the student's course grade by two letter grades, etc. All tests will be taken as scheduled, unless prior arrangements are made, with at least 48 hours of advance notice. I, and only I, have the right to agree to giving a makeup test.

EVALUATION: Throughout the course the student will have opportunities to gain and lose points. The most common examples of gaining points (but not limited to) are through the homeworks, daily/weekly quizzes, projects, presentations, three tests, extra-credit problems, class participation, and a final exam. The most common examples of losing points (but not limited to) are not taking a quiz or test, not turning in a project, not presenting, poor class participation, or an unsatisfactory attendance record. At the end of the semester if the student's (net) point total is greater than or equal to 90% of the total possible number of points, then the student will have earned an A. The rest of the grades are as follows 80%-90% B, 70%-80% C, 60%-70% D, below 60% F.

The student should be aware that missing one day of class is equivalent to missing a week's worth of class relative to a fall/spring semester. If a student has 3 unexcused absences, the instructor has the right to drop the student's course grade by one letter grade. If a student misses 5 classes, the instructor has the right to drop the student's course grade by two letter grades, etc.

For a general sense of the course (this is an approximation): three tests 66%, projects 22%, quizzes 5%, other 7%

The official gradebook will be kept by the instructor. Canvas will only be used for the recording of prominent and graded activities, e.g. tests scores.

EXAM SCHEDULE: The three tests will take place during the regularly scheduled class time on the following dates. The plan is for the tests to last 60 minutes. The tests will have a multiple choice as well as a free response portion. The students will be tested on their use of Excel and calculator.

Date Day Event
July 11th Tuesday Test 1
July 25th Tuesday Test 2
August 3rd Thursday Test 3
Each test/exam will be cumulative and knowledge of previous material is essential. The quizzes will cover material since the previous quiz. I will try to be as straightforward as possible with regards to the material covered over the quizzes and tests.

POLICY ON ACCOMMODATIONS: In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), students who require reasonable accommodations due to a disability to properly execute coursework must register with Student Accessibility Services (SAS) and follow all SAS procedures in Boca Raton, SU 131 (561-297-3880); in Davie, LA 131 (954-236-1222); in Jupiter and all Northern Campuses, SR 111F (561-799-8585) – and follow all SAS procedures.

CODE OF ACADEMIC INTEGRITY POLICY STATEMENT: Students at Florida Atlantic University are expected to maintain the highest ethical standards. Academic dishonesty is considered a serious breach of these ethical standards, because it interferes with the university mission to provide a high quality education in which no student enjoys an unfair advantage over any other. Academic dishonesty is also destructive of the university community, which is grounded in a system of mutual trust and places high value on personal integrity and individual responsibility. Harsh penalties are associated with academic dishonesty. For more information, see University Regulation 4.001.

Collaboration and the Honor Code: You are expected to adhere to the Honor Code (see HC Honor Code and FAU Honor Code).

DISCLAIMER: The instructor reserves the right to change/alter/add/delete any statement from this syllabus in hopes of creating a more enjoyable/equitable course.