Excel Functions


sum: =SUM( array of data )
minimum: =MIN( array of data )
maximum: =MAX( array of data )
Mean: =AVERAGE( )
Median: =Median( )
Quartile: =QUARTILE.INC(array of data , which quartile )
Percentile: =PERCENTILE.EXEC(array of data , which quartile )
St. Dev.: =STDEV.S(array of data)
Variance: =VAR.S.(array of data) =NORM.DIST
=T.DIST.2T(mean, deg. freedom) =T.TEST(array1, array2, tails, type)
=CHISQ.DIST.RT(chi, df)
=CHIQS.INV.RT(probability, df)
=CHISQ.TEST(actual range, expected range)

Know how to change between general and number.
Know how to use the autosum.
Know how to sort/order some data in ascending and descending order.

Standard deviation: =STDEV.S( )
n choose k: =COMBIN(n,k)
to return the percentile of a given data point x with a mean μ and a st. dev σ: =NORM.DIST(x,μ, σ, TRUE)
to return the percentile of a given z-score: =NORM.S.DIST(zx, TRUE)
to return the score from a given percentile with a mean μ and a st. dev σ: =NORM.INV(p,μ, σ)
to return the z-score from a given percentile: =NORM.S.DIST(p)
to return the z-score of a given data point x with a mean μ and a st. dev σ: =STANDARDIZE(x,μ, σ)

We discussed how to insert a graph: pie graph, bar graph, histogram, as well as how to manipulate the axis: get to format axis


How to input data into a list and compute its 1-var stats, which includes the five number summary. (Check p. 17 of the class text as well a p. 24.)
The standard deviation is always the sample standard deviation not the population: Sx not σx
How to order the data in ascending and descending order.

Given a binomial experiment/distribution
P(X=k) = binompdf(n,p,k)
P(X ≤ k) = binomcdf(n,p,k)

Normal Distribution
normalcdf(lower,upper, μ , σ)
invnorm(p,μ, σ)