TITLE: Honors General Topology

CLASS TIME and ROOM: MW 11:00am-12:20pm Room SR 275

TEXT: Introduction to Topology Pure and Applied C. Adams and R. Franzosa(ISBN:0-13-184869-0)

PROFESSOR: Dr. Warren Wm. McGovern

OFFICE & PHONE: HC 162 MSC & 6-8028

E-mail: ;

Mondays: TBD.

PREREQUISITES: MAS 4301 or permission of instructor.

CONTENT: Introduces the fundamentals of point-set topology and topological spaces, essential material for any student who wishes to study topology or analysis at the graduate level.

CLASS STRUCTURE: The class will be run in a modified "Moore Method" style. Most of the time the class will be run in a lecture-style format every so often the students will be asked to present problems on the board. Each student will be expected to present at least three problems on the board.

ATTENDANCE POLICY: Regular attendance is expected. If a student misses a class meeting it is his/her responsibility to obtain the class notes either from another student or from the instructor during regularly scheduled office hours. However, the latter usually means the student will be given the sections that were covered. If a student misses more than 5 classes, the instructor has the right to drop the student's final grade for the course by one letter. All exams will be taken as scheduled, unless prior arrangements are made, with at least 48 hours of advance notice. I, and only I, have the right to agree to giving a makeup exam.

EXAM SCHEDULE: There will be three tests and a final examination. The four tests will take place during the regurlarly scheduled class time on the following dates:

Date Day Event
February 9th Wednesday Test 1
March 2nd Wednesday Test 2
April 13th Wednesday Test 3
May 4th Wednesday Final Exam 10:30am-1:00pm
Each test/exam will be cummulative and knowledge of previous material is essential. The quizzes will cover material since the previous quiz. I will try to be as straightforward as possible with regards to the material covered over the quizzes, tests, and exam.

EVALUATION: Throughout the course the student will have opportunities to gain and lose points. The most common examples of gaining points (but not limited to) are through the presentations on the board, tests, final exam, extra-credit problems, and class participation. The most common examples of losing points (but not limited to) are not taking a test or final, an unsatisfactory attendance record (see above), not presenting at least three times on the board, not turning in HW. At the end of the semester if the student's (net) point total is greater than or equal to 90% of the total possible number of points then the student will have earned an A. The rest of the grades are as follows 80%-90% B, 70%-80% C, 60%-70% D, below 60% F.
I will use blackboard to post test and quiz scores, but Blackboard is not the official gradebook for the course.

Collaboration and the Honor Code: You are expected to adhere to the Honor Code (see You must document all sources.

DISCLAIMER: The instructor reserves the right to change/alter/add/delete any statement from this syllabus in hopes of creating a more enjoyable/equitable course.