TITLE: Calculus with Analytic Geometry 1

CLASS TIME and ROOM: MW 9:00am-10:50am Room AD 205

TEXT: Calculus of a Single Variable by Larson, Edwards, 10th ed. 2013.

CALCULATOR: A graphing calculator is required. TI-83, TI-84 are supported. Check with instructor for others.

PROFESSOR: Dr. Warren Wm. McGovern

OFFICE & PHONE: HC 162 & 6-8028 (best to use email)

E-mail: ;

OFFICE HOURS: Mondays 8:10am-8:55am, Wednesdays 8:10am-8:55am,

PREREQUISITES: MAC 1147 or placement.

CONTENT: Continuity, differentiability, differential approximation, optimization and curve sketching of functions and inverse functions of a single variable, including treatment of trigonometric functions. Mean value theorem and L’Hopital’s Rule. Introduction to integration. This is a General Education course. We will cover chapters 1 through 5 and parts of 6 of the text.

CLASS STRUCTURE: The class will be mostly run in a lecture style format though the instructor encourages discussions and questions concerning the material. Some days will be used for collaborative efforts. Though the homework will only rarely be collected and graded, the student is expected to do all the problems as this will aid in the student's understanding of the material. Please feel free to come to office hours if you have additional questions about the homework.

ATTENDANCE POLICY: Regular attendance is expected. If a student misses a class meeting it is his/her responsibility to obtain the class notes either from another student or from the instructor during regularly scheduled office hours. However, the latter usually means the student will be given the sections that were covered. If a student misses 4 classes, the instructor has the right to drop the student's course grade by one letter grade. If a student misses 8 classes, the instructor has the right to drop the student's course grade by two letter grade. Etc.

EXAM SCHEDULE: There will be some quizzes (announced or unannounced), four tests, and a final examination. The four tests and final will take place during the regurlarly scheduled class time on the following dates unless otherwise noted.
Each quiz will consist of 1 or 2 multiple-choice problems. Tests will consist of about 10-15 multiple choice problems and about 4 free-response problems. The multiple choice will count towards 50% of the test grade while the free-response will count as the other 50%.
All exams and tests will be taken as scheduled, unless prior arrangements are made, with at least 48 hours of advance notice. I, and only I, have the right to agree to giving a makeup exam.

Date Day Event
January 22nd Wednesday Test 1
February 19th Wednesday Test 2
March 26th Wednesday Test 3
April 16th Wednesday Test 4
April 25th Friday 7:45am-10:15am Final Exam
Each test/exam will be cummulative and knowledge of previous material is essential. Each quiz will cover material since the prior quiz. I will try to be as straightforward as possible with regards to the material covered over the quizzes, tests, and exam.
Each student will be allowed to drop one of the first four tests; I will drop the lowest scored test. If a student misses an exam then I will choose this test as the one to drop.

EVALUATION: Throughout the course the student will have opportunities to gain and lose points. The most common examples of gaining points (but not limited to) are through the quizzes, homework promlems, tests, final exams, extra-credit problems, and class participation. The most common examples of losing points (but not limited to) are not taking a quiz, test, or final, or an unsatisfactory attendance record. At the end of the semester if the student's (net) point total is greater than or equal to 90% of the total possible number of points then the student will have earned an A. The rest of the grades are as follows 80%-89.9% B, 70%-79.9% C, 60%-69.9% D, below 60% F. The cutoffs for plusses are the standard ones used at FAU. If a student is less than 2.5% away from the next grade, then they will be awarded a plus.
If a student misses 4 classes, the instructor has the right to drop the student's course grade by one letter grade. If a student misses 8 classes, the instructor has the right to drop the student's course grade by two letter grade. Etc.
For a general sense of the course (this is an approximation): quizzes 6%, three tests 39%, final 45%, others 10%. (Others includes attendance, participation in class, homework, etc.)
There is also a Gateway Exam that the students will need to pass before the final day of classes to ensure that they pass the course. If a student does not pass this exam by the last day of the semester the instructor will be forced to give a grade of F for the course. The student may attempt the Gateway Exam as many times as possible.

Collaboration and the Honor Code: You are expected to adhere to the Honor Code (see HC Honors Code).

DISCLAIMER: The instructor reserves the right to change/alter/add/delete any statement from this syllabus in hopes of creating a more enjoyable/equitable course.