Cisco and Motorola Announce Billion Dollar Wireless Internet Plan

Today, 2/8/99, Cisco & Motorola announced plans to develop a wireless Internet technology. Creation of a wireless IP overlay network that will span the world's cellular networks. Four centers around the world will be set- up. The long term plan is to deliver a wireless IP platform uniting all different wireless standards allowing for integrated data, voice and video services. No concrete steps have been taken yet, but support has been received from several cellular providers such as Sprint, Nextel and Cellnet in the UK

This represents one of the first steps by Motorola, who is a heavyweight in wireless communications and high tech equipment, to get on the Internet bandwagon. Examples provided by Cisco include "sales forces using portable devices to securely access updated customer information from company networks; commuters using cell phones to safely send and receive audio email; or publishers and broadcasters delivering data, audio and video stories to subscribers on-demand, whether it's a cable sports channel, or a local broadcast of your high school daughter's basketball game."

This represents a definite strategic alliance between two communications leaders.


Chris Kinsley