Web Sites for MIS Academic Programs

Tony Scott Parrish    LIS 5916 - Focus on the World Wide Web     Summer 1999    77 Total Sites

Arizona State University, School of Accountancy and Information Management
The Web page is well organized and descriptive.  Links are easy to follow.
Overall Rating: Good
Auburn University, College of Business, Management
Links are easy to read and follow. The colors are appropriate.
Overall Rating: Superb
Baylor University, Hankamer School of Business, Master of Science in Information Systems
The information presented is relevant, but too detailed. Links are fragmented.
Overall Rating: Okay
Boston University, School of Management 
The text is crowed and difficult to read for online viewing.
Overall Rating: Okay
Brigham Young University, Marriott School of Management, Masters of Information Management
The Web page format is well designed and links are appropriate.
Overall Rating: Superb
California State University, Masters of Science in Management Science
Content is relevant, and links point to specific sections within the text. 
Overall Rating: Good
Carnegie Mellon University, The Heinz School
Information is well organized and colors are appropriate.
Overall Rating: Superb
Case Western Reserve University, Weatherhead School of Management
This art deco format is well designed for perusing the site to gather useful information.
Overall Rating: Superb
Columbia University, School of Business, Concentrations: Management Information, Communications and Media
More detailed links need to be included. Text is fragmented and hard to follow.
Overall Rating: Good
Colorado State University, CSU College of Business
Web page uses appropriate color and text size is readable. One special feature is a navigation indicator located in the banner graphic.
Overall Rating: Good
Eastern Michigan University, College of Business, Finance & Computer Information Systems
Fragmented links within tables make it somewhat difficult to locate information.
Overall Rating: Okay
Fairleigh Dickinson University, School of Computer Science and Information Systems
Web site is well organized, colorful and easy to read.
Overall Rating: Good
Florida Atlantic University, College of Business, Department of Information Technology and Operations Management
Background color palette interferes with the readability of the text on this site.
Overall Rating: Okay
Florida State University, College of Business, Information and Management Science Department
The Web page layout is easy to read, and links are simple and relevant.
Overall Rating: Good
Fordham University, Graduate School of Business 
Text print size is too small on both navigation bar and links.
Overall Rating: Okay 
Georgia Institute of Technology, The DuPree College Of Management
Site is simple in design and makes effective use of links. 
Overall Rating: Fair
International School of Information Management
Site is very organized and has good graphics.
Overall Rating: Superb
John Hopkins University, School of Continuing Studies, Division of Business and Management
Information in Web page is relevant, however, page design could be better organized
Overall Rating: Good
Louisiana State University, E.J. Ourso College of Business Administration
This site is difficult to read and confusing.  There are not enough links provided.
Overall Rating: Good
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, The Sloan School of Management
This site provides easy to use navigable links in a simple to read format.
Overall Rating: Good
Mississippi State University, The College of Business and Industry
MIS link for course overview does not work.  This site is not useful.
Overall Rating: Fair
Montclair State University, School of Business
The page is well organized, but lacks navigational links for such a long page. 
Overall Rating: Okay
New York University, Stern College of Business, MS in Information Systems
Navigation tool bar is great.  There is a nice use of colors.
Overall Rating: Superb
Northern Illinois University, College of Business, MS in MIS 
University name graphic is hard to read on Web page.  Links are appropriate.
Overall Rating: Good
Northwestern University, Managerial Economics & Decision Sciences
Web page is brief, well organized and contains relevant links.
Overall Rating: Superb
Pace University, Information Systems Department
This site requires a user to click on several links to reach specific information.
Overall Rating: Good
Purdue University, The Krannert Graduate School of Management 
Web page graphic images are not displayed, which makes it confusing to the reader.
Overall Rating: Fair
San Jose State University, MIS Department at SJSU
Site is very intuitive.  One special feature is the MIS Career Profile link.
Overall Rating: Good
Seton Hall University, W. Paul Stillman School of Business 
Web page is beautifully designed with crisp colors and graphics, and it has relevant links.
Overall Rating: Superb
State University of New York - Albany, School of Information Science & Policy
Web page has great graphics and colors and includes a side menu bar and relevant links.
Overall Rating: Good
State University of New York - Buffalo, Department of Management Science and Systems 
Layout design is too simple, and there are not enough links.
Overall Rating: Okay
Stevens Institute of Technology, Howe School of Technology of Management 
It provides nice navigable links and very good detailed information.
Overall Rating: Superb
Syracuse University, School of Management 
This is a well designed and readable site containing relevant links.
Overall Rating: Okay
Texas A&M University, Department of Information & Operations Management
Site text size is small and difficult to read.  Links are confusing, which makes it hard to locate information.
Overall Rating: Fair
Tulane University, Computer information Systems
The Web site is simple in design with many links.  Color is not appropriate.
Overall Rating: Fair
The University of Arizona, College of Business and Public Administration, MIS
Web page has a simple design with relevant links.
Overall Rating: Good
University of Baltimore, Merrick School of Business, Information Systems
Site has great format and color with simple, easy to follow links. Pages are very readable.
Overall Rating: Superb
University of California - Berkeley, School of Information Management & Systems 
The school's page is simple in design and has good color, and easy to follow links.
Overall Rating: Okay
University of California - Davis, Graduate School of Management
Main page has good colors and easy to follow links.
Overall Rating: Good
University of Central Oklahoma, Decision Sciences Department
This Web page has navigable links, but lacks creativity in its design.
Overall Rating: Okay
University of Chicago, Graduate School of Business
The links to specific information are not descriptive enough and are difficult to follow.
Overall Rating: Okay
University of Denver, Graduate School of Business Administration
Layout is fragmented making it difficult to read. Important links are at bottom of the page.
Overall Rating: Fair
University of Dayton, MIS and Decision Sciences Department
Web page has too many frames and is poorly designed. 
Overall Rating: Fair
University of Delaware, MBA Concentrations
Page format is well designed for easy viewing.  Links and colors are appropriate.
Overall Rating: Superb
University of Detroit Mercy, College of Business Administration
The Web page print size is too small and colors are not appropriate.
Overall Rating: Fair
University of Florida, Department of Decision and Information Sciences
The page is well designed with relevant links.
Overall Rating: Good
The University of Georgia, Terry College of Business, MIS
Site is very text intensive and does not provide enough relevant links.
Overall Rating: Okay
University of Hawaii, Department of Information & Computer Sciences
Site has nice colors and graphics. Links are relevant, but there are too many.
Overall Rating: Okay
University of Idaho, Department of Business
Web page text is very comprehensive, but too long for online viewing.
Overall Rating: Okay
University of Illinois at Springfield, Department of Management Information Systems
This page is designed well and has appropriate color and readable text size.
Overall Rating: Superb
University of Iowa - Henry B. Tippie College of Business, Department of Management Sciences 
Web page design is simple and easy to use.
Overall Rating: Okay
University of Kansas, School of Business
Page frame makes it easy to scroll through information.  Links and colors are appropriate.
Overall Rating: Good
University of  Maryland, The Robert H. Smith School of Business, Decision and Information Technologies
Site has many relevant links.  A helpful search feature is the use of combo boxes.
Overall Rating: Good
University of Memphis, Fogelman College of Business and Economics 
Page layout is very compact and has appropriate colors and links for online review.
Overall Rating: Good
University of Miami, Computer Information Systems Department
Links are embedded within the text, which makes it difficult to read the page and locate specific information.
Overall Rating: Poor
University of Missouri St. Louis, School of Business Administration
Color is inappropriate and overpowering for viewing.
Overall Rating: Okay
University of North Carolina at Wilmington, Production & Decisions Sciences
There are no links to aid the user in navigating through the departmental site. 
Overall Rating: Poor
The University of Oklahoma, Michael F. Price College of Business, MIS Program 
Page color is too bright and hard on the eyes. 
Overall Rating: Fair
University of Nebraska at Omaha, College of Information Science and Technology
Web page design is poorly organized, however, the information is relevant. 
Overall Rating: Okay
University of North Texas, College of Business Administration
Academic Web pages are well designed.  Color, graphics and links are appropriate.
Overall Rating: Superb
University of Pennsylvania, The Wharton School of Business, Technology Management Program
Information is well organized and the links are descriptive and easy to follow.
Overall Rating: Good
University of Pittsburgh, Katz Graduate School of Business
This page is professionally designed with  good color and has intuitive links to information.
Overall Rating: Superb
University of Rochester, William E. Simon Graduate School of Business Administration
The Web page is well organized and has plenty of easy to follow links.
Overall Rating: Okay
University of Southern California, Marshall School of Business
Solid design makes this site easy to navigate. A "navigation bar" whose graphics change depending on the current directory is a nice reminder that pages don't have to be identical to make a site coherent.
Overall Rating: Good
University of South Florida, Information Systems and Decision Sciences Department
Text is very long and needs some links to better organize the information.
Overall Rating: Fair
University of Tampa
Page title and links are clearly defined, however, a user must intuitively know to scroll down the page to find specific academic program information. 
Overall Rating: Okay 
University of Texas at Austin, Graduate School of Business, Information Management
This site has simple, but practical design features and relevant links.
Overall Rating: Fair
The University of Vermont, School of Business
This Web site text is comprehensive, readable, and relevant.  Color is appropriate.
Overall Rating: Okay
University of Washington, Tacoma, Business Administration
Academic page is clear, but external links are not enough.  Color could be better. 
Overall Rating: Okay
University of West Florida, College of Business
This Web page is well organized.  Color, text and links are appropriate.
Overall Rating: Superb
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, School of Business Administration 
Page design is nicely organized with easy to follow links. 
Overall Rating: Fair
Vanderbilt University, Owen Graduate School of Management
The navigation bar on left is essential in navigating this site. Color and links are appropriate.
Overall Rating: Superb
Wayne State University, School of Business Administration
The page design is simple and contains relevant links.  Site uses only one color, which is not appropriate.
Overall Rating: Okay
Webster University, Southern California, School of Business & Technology
Frames overwhelm this academic page.  Color and links are relevant.
Overall Rating: Good
Wichita State University, Barton School of Business 
The layout page has nice color and graphics, but the external links were hard to find.
Overall Rating: Good
Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Department of Management
Solid design makes this site easy to navigate.  Colors, text and links are clearly defined.
Overall Rating: Superb
Wright State University, College of Business and Administration
This site is easy to use and has good graphics.
Overall Rating: Good

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Copyright © 1999 Tony Scott Parrish, Last modified: July 14, 1999