FAU Banner

Department Name

Course Number and Title




Course Syllabus


Course Description

Direct quotation from current University Catalog, http://www.fau.edu/registrar/universitycatalog/welcome.php 


Dates, Times and Locations

This is:

If applicable, the face-to-face components of the course will be delivered:


Professor Contact Information

Provide all contact information; include any preference and/or policy relating to communications, i.e., a) use Blackboard Messages except in the case of emergencies, b) only use Messages for personal or confidental matters, otherwise post all inquiries to the FAQ discussion board, etc.


Required Textbook(s)

Include full description including ISBN. The reference should be written in the appropriate format associated with the discipline, i.e., MLA, APA, etc. Include an image of the text whenever possible.

The textbook(s) can be purchased at the Campus Bookstore or through their online service.


Suggested Textbook(s)

Include full description including ISBN. The reference should be written in the appropriate format associated with the discipline, i.e., MLA, APA, etc. Include an image of the text whenever possible.

The textbook(s) can be purchased at the Campus Bookstore or through their online service.


Other Resource(s)

If you have other resources, i.e., course packs, articles, etc., please list here with appropriate links for download or purchase.


Computer Requirements

Operating System

  • A computer that can run Mac OSX or Win XP or higher


  • Headphones or speakers (if applicable)
  • Microphone (if applicable)
  • Other hardware that the course requires or recommends and how to obtain it (if applicable)


Software downloads when available are linked below.

Internet Browsers (at least one from the list below)

If you do not have access to a computer, or if you experience technical difficulties with yours, you can use the campus open labs. Please see Open Computer Labs - Location and Hours.


Other Equipment Requirements

List other required equipment along with how to obtain it, e.g., dissecting kit, safety goggles, etc.  


Course Learning Objectives

Upon successful completion of this course, students should be able to:

  1. ...
  2. ...
  3. ...
  4. etc.

Objectives should be written based on Bloom’s Taxonomy. Each must:

  1. Be an action completed by the student
  2. Be an action that is measurable
  3. Include any relevant condition needed to complete the action
  4. Provide a measure of proficiency to identify mastery


Course Policies

General comments

Online courses afford students flexibility by allowing them to complete work around their own personal schedule. Online courses require that the student exercise self-discipline by completing the required assignments on time and without regular reminders. 

Email policy

Only use Messages in Blackboard when emailing your professor. Except for Saturdays, Sundays and holidays, your professor will respond to messages within 24 hours. Such messages should only be used to communicate personal or confidential matters; otherwise, use the FAQ discussion board.     

Course-related questions

Post course-related questions to the FAQ discussion board. Asking course-related questions in this way allows other students to benefit from your professor’s responses. Also, make sure you review this forum prior to posting a question; it may have already been asked by another student. Except Saturday, Sunday and holidays, questions will be answered by your professor within 48 hours. 


You are responsible for reading all announcements posted by your professor. Check the announcements each time you login to be sure you have read all announcements posted since your last login session.

Grading Policy

Some classes do not lend themselves to numerical, objective grading standards. Nevertheless grades are a part of the University's learning/assessment/feedback process. Students and faculty need to clarify in advance what type of evidence of learning will result in specific semester ending evaluations. Your work will receive a grade based upon your instructor's perception of your accomplishments in the course.

College credit courses will receive a letter grade, A through F.

A= Exceptional personal growth in the technical and conceptual ability in web design, exemplary participation in classroom activities as well as thorough and timely personal exploration of the homework assignments. Work product that demonstrate a personalized mastery of course goals.

B= Substantial personal growth in both technical and conceptual ability of web design, high levels of participation in classroom activities and timely homework assignments. Work product that demonstrate a mastery of course goals.

C= Personal growth in both technical and conceptual ability of web design, participation in classroom activities and timely completion of homework assignments. Work product that demonstrate a meeting of the vast majority of the course goals.

D= Little personal growth in both technical and conceptual ability of web design, occasional participation in classroom activities and a tendency to not complete homework assignments in a timely manner. Work product that demonstrate a meeting of most of the course goals.

F= Minimal personal growth in both technical and conceptual ability of web design, infrequent or inappropriate participation in classroom activities and a general inability to complete homework assignments in a timely manner. Work product that fails to demonstrate a meeting of some of the course goals.

Students must complete the following assignments:

[Provide a complete listing of all assignments with a brief description of each]

[Complete a table describing the assignment grade distribution in either points and/or percentage of the final grade]

The following grade scale will be used to determine your semester grade.

Grade Points

A 90-100

B 80-89

C 70-79

F Below 70


Though the course is delivered online, you are expected to attend (online participation) at least two times spaced over each week to ensure you do not miss pertinent postings, messages, and announcements. Failure to meet this obligation will be viewed as course abandonment, and you will be dropped from the course.

Orientation Quiz

In order to begin a course, students must demonstrate that they have read the syllabus and understand the course navigation and the expectations required of them by completing and passing an orientation quiz. The orientation quiz should be structured to force the student to use each technology required in the course. Using this procedure assures students have the current settings, hardware, software and technical expertise to be successful in the course prior to the time they are needed for an assignment.

Exam Proctor Policy

Online courses may require students to take exams administered by a proctor. If you are unable to utilize the campus proctor services, a proctor can be mutually arranged with the instructor. Approved proctors can be employers, instructors from a local institution, members of the clergy, etc. The student must submit the Proctor Approval Request Form to the instructor. This form will explain what is required of the proctor and require his or her signature indicating acceptance of the responsibility. The student must mail or hand deliver the Proctor Approval Request to the instructor at Instructor’s Name, Instructor’s Address.

Download the Proctor Approval Request Form

Technical Problem Resolution Policy

In the online environment, there is always a possibility of technical issues, i.e., lost connection, hardware or software failure. Many of these can be resolved relatively quickly, but if you wait to the last minute before deadlines, the chances of these "glitches" affecting your grade are greatly increased. Please plan appropriately. Should a problem occur, it is essential you take immediate action to document the issue so your instructor can verify and take appropriate action regarding a resolution. Please take the following steps should a problem occur:

  1. If you can, make a "print screen" of the monitor when the problem occurred.
  2. Complete a Blackboard support ticket. See Blackboard Support for instructions on the FAU’s Blackboard Homepage. If Blackboard is unavailable, you can reach the Help Desk directly at http://www.fau.edu/helpdesk. Make sure you complete the form entirely so the Help Desk staff will have all pertinent information so they can assist you.
  3. Sent a message within Blackboard to your instructor to notify him/her of the problem. Include all pertinent information of the incident.
  4. If you do not have access to Blackboard, sent an email to your instructor with all pertinent information of the incident.
  5. If you do not have access to a computer, call your professor with all pertinent information of the incident. If he/she is not available, make sure you leave a detailed message.
  6. If you do not hear back from the Help Desk or your professor within a timely manner (48 hours), it is your responsibility to follow up.

Assignment submission policy

All assignments must be submitted through the designated method (discussion board, assignment, etc.). No assignments will be accepted via email.

Forum Expectations

Module discussions are graded discussions. Your posts must be professional, well organized, grammatically correct and free of misspellings. Additionally, any content quoted, paraphrased, or gleamed from references must be properly cited (see Plagiarism and MLA/APA format below). Interaction is a substantial portion of your grade. Each module forum requires at least 3 posts to receive full credit. The posts should be entered directly into the discussions, not in the form of an attachment. Attachments should be held to a minimum and only if needed for illustration - like a chart, image, or table. The first post will serve as your original post in reply to the topic and must be 250-500 words in length and must be posted no later than midnight on Thursday, in order to allow sufficient time for other students to response. The remaining two posts are to be responses to other students' posts. These must be at least 100 words in length and must be posted no later than midnight on Sunday. They must contribute to the conversation through supportive addition or critique. When the responses are of the latter, they must argue the issue, never the author. The Grading Rubric will serve as a guide.

Written Submissions

These submissions are written assignments that are submitted via an assignment drop box. Again, they must be professional, well organized, grammatically correct and free of misspellings. Additionally, any content quoted, paraphrased, or gleamed from references must be properly cited (see Academic Integrity, Plagiarism and MLA/APA). All written assignments should be in rich text format (.rtf) to ensure they can be opened easily by your professor. Submissions that cannot be opened will not be graded.


Due to the casual communication common in the online environment, students are sometimes tempted to relax their grammar, spelling, and/or professionalism; however, remember you are now in a college level course. Such communication is not appropriate here. Maintain your professionalism at all times. Also, please note that in the online environment you do not have the advantage of voice inflection or gestures. As a result, sarcasm can come across very negative, so this form of communication should not be used.

Academic Integrity

As members of the FAU community, students are expected to be honest in all of their academic coursework and activities. Academic dishonesty, such as cheating of any kind on examinations, course assignments or projects, plagiarism, misrepresentation and the unauthorized possession of examinations or other course-related materials, is prohibited.

Plagiarism is unacceptable in the university community. Academic work that is submitted by students is assumed to be the result of their own thought, research or self-expression. When students borrow ideas, wording or organization from another source, they are expected to acknowledge that fact in an appropriate manner. Plagiarism is the deliberate use and appropriation of another's work without identifying the source and trying to pass-off such work as the student's own. Any student who fails to give full credit for ideas or materials taken from another has plagiarized.

Students who share their work for the purpose of cheating on class assignments or tests are subject to the same penalties as the student who commits the act of cheating.

When cheating or plagiarism has occurred, instructors may take academic action that ranges from denial of credit for the assignment or a grade of "F" on a specific assignment, examination or project, to the assignment of a grade of "F" for the course.

Students may also be subject to further sanctions imposed by the judicial officer, such as disciplinary probation, suspension or dismissal from the University.
Please view the complete list of University Regulations.

Citing Sources

Papers written for this course will be required to be in MLA/APA format. The library has reference material for the MLA/APA style or you can use one of the following:

  • List of recommended MLA/APA style resources with hyperlinks when available.

Research Initiative

As part of FAU's ongoing quality assurance plan, samples of student performance such as test results, projects, papers, etc. may be used. The data gathered will not identify individual students and is not related to the student’s grade for the course, but will be used to improve student learning at FAU.


Any student with a documented disability which may require special accommodations should self-identify to the instructor as early as possible in order to receive effective and timely accommodation. If you have any questions about accommodations for a disability, please contact the Office for Students with Disabilities (OSD). The OSD office at FAU offers college constituents equity and excellence in education. By working with students, as well as faculty and staff members, on all FAU campuses, OSD ensures that appropriate academic adjustments are made to allow all students equal opportunities online, inside the classroom and around campus.

Other Policies and Resources

Blackboard is committed to accessibility in education. See Accessibility for further information on how Blackboard continues its work toward this goal.