About Florida Atlantic Comparative Studies Journal (FACS)
FACS is a peer reviewed journal dedicated to the promotion of scholarly work in the social sciences and humanities. First published in 1992, FACS encourages scholarship that bridges two or more academic disciplines or modes of intellectual inquiry, including different languages and cultures. We invite scholars interested in these subjects to contribute their articles. We also welcome well-argued and cogent critical responses to articles FACS has already published if these responses also make an original contribution in their own right.
FACS follows a refereed and meticulous editorial process in order to contribute new knowledge and original scholarship in the social sciences and humanities. Please note that after preliminary editorial review, all submissions are assessed by at least two area specialists. The final decision to publish or reject a submission rests solely with the Editor-in-chief of FACS.
FACS is publication affiliated to the Department of Languages, Linguisitcs and Comparative Literature at Florida Atlantic University.
FACS is indexed by:
- The EBSCO Publishing Group (Humanities International Index).
- Google Scholar
- The Directory of Open Access Journals
Online Open Access
Since 2007, FACS has allowed open access to its full content and made it available through this web site. We define "open access" as the right of users to "read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of articles."
Subscriptions to print version:
Students $6.00, individuals $10.00, institutions $12.00, and free to FAU students.